So here it is… my 30 before 30 list.

You’ll notice that there are some very specific tasks on here and some that are more generic/vague. Some of these things are one off experiences and some will be lifestyle changes that I am looking to implement.

They always say things are better with friends (or family) – so if you fancy having a go on anything on this list or joining me on an adventure get in touch! 🙂

1. Sort my shit out – physically

Now this isn’t some fad diet or crazy workout plan – but instead finding healthier lifestyle habits for my future. After my back injury at the end of 2018 I am no longer taking my health for granted.

2. Sort my shit out – mentally

I’m very fortunate to have had pretty good mental health over the years – but this doesn’t mean to say that I haven’t got my own troubles/worries or demons to sort. Again I am going to be exploring a lot of techniques to help me understand my mind, behaviours and what changes I can make to be happier in myself and my relationships.

3. Practice Body Positivity

I couldn’t quite figure out if this came under physical or mental – and then realised that it is it’s own skill. Being a typical woman – I have always had “body issues” so I am going to really focus on complimenting myself more and being happy in the skin that I’m in right now!

4. Sort my shit out – financially

You’ll notice that a fair amount of things on this list will require some pennies. Over the years I haven’t been very mindful about money or planning budgets/savings – but I’m going to start to work on that

5. Go to a concert at the BBC Proms

I always try to watch as many programmes of the BBC Proms each year on the TV and always sit there and say “one year I will go” – well this year is it!

6. Go and see an Opera

I have never seen an Opera performed live in the theatre – and whilst it isn’t always my go to genre I would like to experience it live.

7. Learn to ride a motorbike

Now I love motorbikes! I’ve always liked the idea of being a biker chick but came up with way to many excuses as to why not. So I’m going to give it a go to see how I like it!

8. Visit ALL of the London Art Galleries (or as many as I can)

I love art and exploring new things – it feels like forever since I have visited a gallery and so what better place to explore than London.

9. Join a musical group (band and/or choir)

Not working in a musical job now means that I very rarely play or sing – which for those who know me is outrageous! Creating music is soo good for the mind, body and soul and by joining a group I get the extra social benefit too!

10. Learn to swim (properly)

It’s a life skill I feel I really should be able to do – a doggy paddle isn’t quite going to cut it anymore. It also help with my “Sort my shit out physically” point!

11. Read a new book – EVERY MONTH

I have always loved reading. It’s something that I can never find the time to do and yet there are always so many books I want to read. So now I’m going to make time and write a little review of each book at the end of the month.

12. Learn a new Piano piece – EVERY MONTH

This might be a bit ambitious (as I am really very rusty) but a bit like the reading/joining a musical group – I know it’s good for me so I need to make more time to do it.

13. Have a Spa Day

Because who doesn’t love being pampered!

14. Get my own place

Does what it says on the tin really – a place to call my own.

15. Get a half sleeve tattoo

I’ve already got this one started (if anyone has seen my lovely chopper tattoo) but really excited to get it finished as a half sleeve.

16. Paint/draw a self portait

This is going to be a challenge on many levels, and I’m very excited. I haven’t created any artwork in years so it will be good to test out my skills.

17. Learn to ride a horse

My 10 year old self is very happy that I have put this on here – another skill I have always wanted to learn but never had the chance.

18. Go on a nature walk every week

Those who follow my facebook/instagram will know that I love a good nature walk. It is soo good for the mind and body (sorting my shit out) and I always feel so zen after.

19. Start journalling/writing a blog

CHECK! So to help me with my “sorting my shit out mentally” point I am going to start a personal journal to hopefully help organise my thoughts. But my blog is a way of sharing my stories and hopefully inspiring someone out there to do something new

20. Take myself out on a date

Now I must admit I found this one on Pinterest – but it made me smile. I like the idea of taking myself out to a meal of my choice followed by a movie of my choice!

21. Do more volunteering

One of my “Amy isms” is that I love to help people. It gives me great satisfaction to help others and so I am going to aim to do more volunteering this year – open to ideas about what/where and who

22. Go to Comic Con in cosplay

I loved my first visit to Comic Con in 2017 and was amazed by all the costumes. It looked like so much fun and definitely something I want to do – any suggestions as to which character?

23. Watch more Anime

Anime is something I have only really got into in the past couple of years. After watching Attack on Titan, One Punch Man and Bleach – I’m really keen to explore more. (subbed not dubbed!)

24. Do something that scares you!

Now I don’t know what that something is yet – but again I found this on Pinterest and thought it was a good one to add!

25. Visit 30 new places

It’s always fun to explore somewhere new!

26. Watch a sunrise

Pinterest again!

27. 30 random acts of kindness

A bit like the volunteering – I like the idea of just spreading the love! I may not get to 30 but will try and do as many as I can.

28. Learn how to use my fancy camera

I have this lush Canon camera – but no idea how to use it properly. I’m going to get all arty with it! 😛

29. Hike a mountain (over 1,000 ft)

According to my parents a mountain has to be above 1,000ft – so lets take my nature walks to another level

30. Being un-apologetically ME

I’ve learned this year that the best version of me already exists – I just need to keep being true to myself and love every bit (the good and the bad).