So I have just come back from a lush afternoon walk – weekly nature walk done :D. Before I get myself ready for the “back to work” psych up I thought it would be a good idea to sit and plan my goals for this month.

The 30 before 30 list is quite epic – and it would be totally unreasonable to think that I could do it all in one month. Besides – the whole point of this list is the journey to my 30th which is all the way in October so I have plenty of time.

That being said – January is as good a time as any to start some of my longer term projects and build some new habits. So here are a few things I am going to be focusing on this month.

Sort my shit out – physically – Set some structure and goals

So I had already started to get myself into healthier habits at the end of last year – with the focus being predominantly recovery after my back injury. I’m going to be pushing this a bit further this year and testing my body’s limits. I’ll be sharing a separate post about this over the weekend outlining specific targets/goals and my new fitness routine.

Sort my shit out – mentally – Meditating every day

Last year I downloaded the “Headspace” app and I have over the past few months been using it more regularly. I notice a difference in how I feel both physically and mentally when I do take the time to meditate. I’m going to re-start with the basic course and aim to meditate every day. I’ll let you know how I get on.

Practice Body Positivity

A post is going to be coming out soon about my kick start into Body Positivity – but for this month I am going to make a point of writing down at least one thing a day that I like about my body/appearance. This will be on a post it note that I will put on my mirror so it’ll be a reminder to start the next day.

Read a new book – EVERY MONTH

So hard to choose the first book to read, but this one had to be it. It’s the latest in the Old Kingdom series which I originally read as a teenager. I re-read the series throughout last year – and this book is the only one I haven’t read yet! I’ll post a lil review once I’ve finished too in case you guys are curious.

Learn a new Piano piece – EVERY MONTH

I started learning this piece last year and I only got as far as the first two lines and kept giving up. I’m determined to learn the whole piece and it isn’t too long so should be a good one to ease me back into playing Piano! I’ll try and upload some kind of video/recording once it’s finished/end of the month too.

Start journalling/writing a blog

So I think I’m doing ok with the blog writing so far and I started writing a journal this afternoon. So far the journaling is tough as it is bringing up some pretty raw emotions and thoughts, but like the meditation I’m hoping that by doing this more regularly it may help process some shit and also help with my mental well being.

Now I wasn’t quite sure where to start with journaling – and I found these books really helpful. One is a “theory of” journaling whereas the other is more of a workbook style.

So that’s the start of my month/year. There may even be some sneaky extras I throw in throughout the month – but I think this is a good place to start 2020!

Now don’t worry – I wont make you read these war and peace length posts each time I do something (because who has time for all of that :P). Sometimes I might just put a post on Facebook/Instagram so stay tuned.