So looking outside my window it’s a lovely spring day outside – just what you would expect from the first day of March.

With the days getting lighter and the weather (fingers crossed) getting better – it’s nice to come out of the winter gloom.

My diary is already looking pretty busy for March, which is very exciting. I always want to try and add new goals to each month from my 30 before 30 list, that way I feel like I’m continuously working towards ticking off as much as I can and it helps keep me motivated!

Keeping things ticking over…

So as always – there are a few things that I will just keep ticking over each month.

  • Sorting my shit out physically
  • Sorting my shit out mentally
  • Sorting my shit out financially
  • Choir
  • Nature walk each week

So what else is going on for March?

As mentioned earlier – March is looking to be a busy one so I will be putting lots of posts on social media. But here are a few things I am going to really focus on this month.

Body Positivity

So as I mentioned in my February round-up, this is something I have been neglecting a bit recently and as a result, I have noticed that I haven’t really been that kind to myself.

I’m going to try and be really conscious of this throughout this month and kick start my brain into a more positive way of thinking with my body. I’m not entirely sure what’s going to work yet (and maybe it will be a combination of things) but here are a few things I’m going to do to get started.

  • Listening to podcasts when I get ready in the morning – I really enjoy listening to podcasts (and need to do more of it). I love the conversational element of it (feels a bit like radio) and can really help put me in a positive mood. The only downside to Fat Chat podcast – is that it’s only on once a week – so my goal is to find more body positive podcasts to listen to in the morning.
  • Look after my body – this doesn’t just apply to eat well and exercising – but actually pampering myself a bit more.
  • Look at my boudoir photo book – I can’t help but feel incredibly happy and sexy when I look through that book.

I know that there is a lot to learn in this area – so if anyone else has got any good ideas please share. 🙂

Read a new book – EVERY MONTH

In keeping with my Body Positivity focus for this month – why not read a book about it!

I bought this book about 3 months ago and haven’t been in the right headspace to read it yet.

I’ve been following @bodyposipanda on Instagram for a while and have just started following on Facebook too.

She has such great energy – I’m excited to read this and hopefully gain some of her positivity.

Watch more Anime

So here is another recommendation from a friend that I’m going to give a go this month.

I’ve always liked supernatural genre so keen to see what this series is like.

A bit like Dr Stone, it’s only one series (atm) with 26 episodes so should be able to get this finished by the end of the month.

Learn to swim (properly)

Now that I’ve got into a good routine with my other fitness activities, I’ve decided to add Swimming to the mix!

I can kind of swim, but have never really been that confident in the water and as a result, it’s not something I would naturally lean towards.

It’s such an important life skill, and everyone tells me how AMAZING it is for your fitness and wellbeing that it seems daft not to do it. An added bonus is that I have to face the dreaded “looking ok in a swimsuit conundrum” so that should help with the Body Confidence point (or so I hope) lol.

To start with I am going to aim to go to the pool at least once a week and work on building my confidence up in the water. My goal is to be able to swim a full length of the pool without stopping. I’ll keep you posted on how I get on.

Go and see an Opera

Super excited about this one! On the 19th March, I am taking my lovely mummy to go and see Carmen at the Mayflower Theatre.

Practice my instruments on a weekly basis

So following my previous post – I have amended the learn a new piano piece to practise my instruments on a weekly basis. In short – it takes the pressure off slightly and means that I am playing because I want to rather than I have to (always a more productive way to go with these things). I’ve chosen the pieces I am going to be working on for both Flute and Piano and the goal isn’t to complete them in a specific time frame – but so that they are “performance” ready.

For Piano, I am going to finish the piece I started in January’s post – Zanarkand from Final Fantasy – as I am sooo close to finishing it!

For Flute, I am being a bit more ambitious and attempting to re-learn one of my recital pieces from uni (nearly 5 years ago). It’s the first movement of Le Flute de Pan which is one of my favourite pieces (love it so much I have the opening phrase tattooed on my shoulder!).

For those that fancy a listen – here is Sir James Galway having a go!

I must add that even in my prime I have NEVER been able to play it that fast – but there’s a first time for everything right! 😛