So here I am – going into March and it’s time to do my monthly weigh-in and take stock of my progress in Sorting my shit out physically!

I’m pleased to say that so far I am making good progress. I can feel myself getting fitter and stronger, able to push myself to new limits and feeling more confident in what my body is capable of.

I also have also noticed some other changes in my shape, my clothes are fitting a bit better and of course, looking at the weight comparison that’s going down too.

Now for those of you who have been following my blog for a while will know that weight loss is not the aim in this exercise, it is purely a bi-product of leading a healthier lifestyle.

As you can see above, since January I have lost nearly a stone in weight. I’m not going to lie – I am incredibly happy about that. Not because I’m aiming for a target weight or that weight loss is the primary goal, but it is reinforcing for me that the weight/lifestyle I had before wasn’t healthy for me and that I am on the right track!

I fully expect that this reduction will slow down and eventually I won’t see much change in my weight at all – and no matter what the number is that will be ok. I am not using the numbers on the scale to value my attractiveness or worth at all – it’s more so that I can keep tabs and gain a better understanding of my body.

So how am I doing it?

I’m not going to go out there and say I have found some magical weight loss formula – because let’s be honest – it doesn’t exist. There are however many different approaches people take that are very effective, and this is subjective to the person and their circumstances.

Anyone who knows me…knows that I am a total foodie! I LOVE FOOD (and the occasional bit of booze). Even as I write this I have a cup of tea and a box of Lindt chocolates keeping me company 😛

When I started this journey, I made a promise to myself that I wanted a healthier, happier lifestyle – something that I can maintain and not feel like a chore and a constant struggle.

You’ll notice that I emphasise the word HAPPIER. I know that for me, going on a restrictive diet is not going to make me happy no matter how much weight I lose – it’s just going to make me HANGRY!

That being said, I am trying to be more aware of what I eat and make healthier food choices. For example moderating things like chocolate, takeaways, wine as occasional treats – and as a result of this – I actually find I enjoy them more.

This being said – I will never say no when the biscuit tin comes round at work! 😛

I’ve found that the key for me is to move more and to try to build a fitness routine that not only enjoyable but sustainable for the long term.

Putting the time in…no excuses

Now, whenever you start a new fitness routine – it is VITAL that you are clear on the why? Why am I doing this?

This is important because there are some days where you will sit in the office/at home and think “I really can’t be arsed to do ‘insert fitness activity here’ today”.

So I thought I would share some of my Why’s for the activities I do.

  • Morning Yoga – it helps me to wake up in the morning and is really good for my back. I know that if I don’t do this I will feel stiff and achey all day.
  • Zumba – social time with my girls dancing to some sassy tunes! The added bonus is that we go round my friends beforehand to get ready and I get to spend time with my gorgeous nephew.
  • Pole fit – social time with friends and my determination. Pole fit for anyone who has done it is really hard – but when you master that pose/spin it feels amazing. Also catching up with my niece every two weeks beforehand is a bonus.
  • Swimming – social time with mum and something new. It’s important to have mummy/daughter time!
  • Gym – social time with my bro and determination. A bit like Pole fit, I often find strength training really challenging but also really rewarding, especially when you smash your PB!
  • Nature walks – social time with friends/family, exploring new places and feeling zen.

So you’ll notice that there is a common theme in all of these activities – social time!

My main motivation for doing these activities is the fact that I get to spend time with friends and family. This is a huge factor in keeping me motivated because it becomes much more than the fitness activity, it becomes a way to spend more time with my nearest and dearest!

It also helps me structure my week and the fact that I am doing this with someone means I have an element of accountability – I am much less likely to cancel.

This has been working so well for me and is now a big part of my weekly routine! I love the catch-ups that happen before the workouts, the giggles, and antics that inevitably happen during and being able to share goals and achievements.

Find what’s good for you

Now for some people what I have just described will be absolute torture – their workouts give them vital me-time or they don’t want the distraction because they are set on their goals.

That’s totally cool – what I’m doing won’t work for everyone. But I hope that for those who maybe are struggling to commit to a workout routine it may help them. Start thinking about the why’s? and make sure that above everything your fitness routine is fun!