This is going to sound ridiculous – but it has honestly felt like moving from March to April has completely changed my mood and mindset!

I don’t know what it is – Maybe the extra light in the evening? Maybe the tulips starting to show? (they are my FAVOURITE flower) Maybe the slightly warmer weather? Maybe it’s the fact that things are starting to (dare I say it) feel a little more settled now?

I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is – but whatever it is I am very thankful and I’m going to hold onto this motivation and positivity for as long as I can.

With that in mind – I best set myself some new monthly goals

So I’m taking a look at my 30 before 30 list and I have come across a bit of a snag – there is a hell of a lot on here that requires me to be outside my house!

I’m trying not to panic about that – I’m not 30 until October and so there is still plenty of time to get things ticked off.

Just means I have to get a bit creative and maybe tackle some of the things on here that I have been procrastinating on.

Keeping things ticking over…

I’m sure you guys are bored of this list now – but for me, it’s good to keep reminding myself of the ongoing goals so that I can be aware and conscious of maintaining good habits. Some of them have had to be tweaked slightly, so here they are:

  • Sorting my shit out physically – keeping up my home workouts
  • Sorting my shit out mentally – keeping up with my meditation and journaling and trying to take a little extra care of my wellbeing atm.
  • Sorting my shit out financially – trying NOT to spend all this extra money I have on the internet…but trying to use the extra cash to pay off some debts. Easier said than done when they are all having bloody sales!
  • Body Positivity – trying to be more accepting of my “flaws”.
  • Choir – whilst I can’t actually “go” to choir atm – I can keep in touch with the group via Zoom chats and keep practising the songs we were working on.
  • Nature walk each week – again, I can’t really go that far at the moment so am limited on the amount of nature I can get to. But I am going to set myself the task of noticing nature more on my neighbourhood walks.

So – What’s new?

If you read my March round up post – you’ll know that March was let’s say not the most productive month for me. That’s ok, I think a lot of people can say the same thing. So a lot of this list will look similar to last month as I’m picking stuff up – but there are a couple of new features.

Paint/draw a self-portrait

For those that follow my social media will have seen my lil doodle sesh last weekend, it was great fun experimenting.

So I’m going to tackle the self-portrait – I have no idea what medium I’ll use or how it’s going to turn out – but it’ll no doubt be fun…she says…if it looks ok!

I’ll post updates as I’m going and will share the final product with you all to marvel and critique.

30 random acts of kindness

This seemed like a really nice idea when I wrote it on my list – but the difficulty I have found is that it’s actually quite a difficult one to keep tabs on.

I don’t want to be one of the arseholes posting all the time going “oh look at this really nice thing I did – aren’t I kind” because let’s face it, it’s just self-serving and defeats the whole point of it.

So rather than counting 30 acts of kindness – I am going to tweak this point to “Do more acts of kindness”. Some will be clear they are from me, others will be anonymous. That way I can do as little or as much as I like and not feel like there is an ulterior motive driving it.

So I know that there are lot of people (myself included) who are finding this whole situation and transition challenging – so I am going to try and spread a bit of kindness and joy where I can.

Weekly instrument practice

So this is a continuation from my March post – same instruments and same pieces – but this month I am going to try and make a really conscious effort to do something each week.

Watch more Anime

So this one again is a continuation from last month – with a little addition. As Demon Slayer is only 26 episodes – and I have LOADS of time on my hands – I’m going to add another series into the mix… Bleach.

I started watching this series months ago and have taken a bit of a break – with 15 series there’s plenty to keep me going, but a bit much to do in one go – I’m currently in series 4 so let’s see how far I get.

Read a new book every month

As my head isn’t in the self-exploratory space at the moment – I’ve decided to go for pure escapism.

Now some of you may have hated the Twilight series – but I loved them as a teen! I bought this book years ago but it’s just collecting dust on the self…not anymore!

I haven’t seen the film which I think is good, that way I haven’t got any bias or preconceptions as to how good or bad it’ll be.

So there it is…I think that’s a pretty good place to start for now.