Every cloud has a silver lining, right? So even though we are all housebound at the moment…it’s the perfect opportunity to catch up on all of those series you’ve wanted to watch!

Anime is something that I’ve only got into the last couple of years, but I really enjoy watching it. It’s so different from anything else I watch on Netflix (or any other streaming platform) but at the same time, there is such a wide range of genres and styles to choose from. It’s great to have a bit of variety in the week’s tv options.

A lot of the anime that I have previously watched (including this one) fall into the Shounen genre – which is one of the most popular.

To loosely translate for those in the dark – this means anime that is targeted to teenage boys (shows where my mentality is at 😏).

It’s largely action-based and a lot of the series go with some kind of fantasy theme. More often than not it features a male lead going through some kind of struggle and/or adventure.

What I love about this genre – including Demon Slayer – is that it has the perfect combo of gripping action and laugh out loud comedy moments.

So Demon Slayer – What’s my verdict?

This series really didn’t disappoint! Once I was in, I was hooked and found this series totally binge-able.

So for those who want to know the basic premise – the lead character Tanjiro is a small-town boy who one day comes home to find his family has been attacked by demons. To make matters worse the sole survivor, his younger sister Nezuko, has been turned into a demon. Despite this, she doesn’t turn against her brother and proves to be the exception to the norm.

Tanjiro then begins a journey where he trains as a Demon Slayer, determined to kill the Demon who did this to his family and to find a cure for his sister.

The series does get a little dark in places and is pretty gruesome (much more so than Dr Stone) but has an equal amount of humour and the action scenes are just beautifully done.

There is a series 2 coming…after a film later this year which I’m pretty excited about. Who knows, if things are a little more normal by then maybe it’ll be the film I go to see on my solo date night (see my 30 before 30 list).

So in summary – this has a big thumbs up from me. 👍

A totally immersive experience

One of the reasons I really enjoy watching anime is that it gives me a fully immersive watching experience.

How many series have you half-watched whilst scrolling through the phone or put on in the background whilst doing other things? Unless it is something that has me hooked, I know I have often fall victim of this.

With anime though you really don’t have that option. As I watch the subbed (subtitled) version, if I don’t pay attention I literally have no idea what is going on (my Japanese is pretty non-existent).

For me, anime gives me the opportunity to really switch off from the phone/notifications and immerse myself into the story. It’s a great way to take your mind off worries/thoughts and be really present.

As mentioned in my previous review, there are plenty of places to find Anime including Netflix…so with all this extra time why not give one a go.