It’s the start of a new week, a new month…and things are starting to look a little more positive! The amazing weather we’re having definitely helps with that.

Whilst there is a part of me that wished I was out sunning myself on a beach at the moment, it is nice to go back to work after a week off.

I have counted myself very fortunate to have been able to continue to work throughout this weird time, it’s given me a sense of routine and stability in what have been pretty uncertain times. But with that said I was definitely in need of a week off…I find a break often gives you time to switch off, recharge the batteries and often give yourself some space to think.

In yesterday’s post I spoke a bit about living a bit more intuitively, and one of the things I mean by this is to be much more present.

Playing the “What if” game

I am definitely an over-thinker, and one of Alice’s favourite things to do is to play the “What if” game. Most of the time she’s thinking about the future…what if this happens? what if I can’t do this? – it can pretty much be anything really and if it’s something I feel uneasy about or unsure…she will start the what if game. It’s not always a bad thing…as our chimp brains are there to look after us and ensure we are safe, the thing is that a lot of the time they aren’t life or death scenarios (or even real scenarios sometimes) and it causes unecessary worrying.

Over the years I have realised that this stems from a need for clarity, to have some sense of control and to ultimately be prepared for any scenario. Maybe it’s stemmed from my anxieties around my allergies…who knows really…all I know is that it’s something I have always had ticking away.

However, one thing I have learned through recent experiences – is that life never ever happens as you expect it to!

And often…the big changes aren’t even the ones you’ve anticipated…yet life still goes on, you learn to adapt and change to the situation in front of you Sometimes it can be unpleasant and difficult, and other times they can be some of the best experiences of your life.

Home holiday bliss…

In my week off last week, I had no agenda…just a few key things in my routine (mainly fitness related) but otherwise it was very much a – what do I feel like doing today – kinda flow. There’s a part of me that really loved that sense of freedom and spontaneity.

I felt very relaxed (as you normally do on holiday) but the thing I noticed most was that I was really in tune with myself – and this is something that I want to see if I can continue.

My plan for June – is to keep my “goals” list simple. Lets face it, whilst the restrictions are lifting…there is still a long way to go before I can start to tackle my 30 before 30 list.

Keeping things simple…

Whilst I’m taking a less planned approach for this month, there are still some things that I am going to keep in my routine. I feel like I’m making real progress in these areas now – so much so that I think I would notice a negative impact if I were to remove them.

  • Sorting my shit out physically – Continue to build on my new running routine following the Couch to 5k
  • Sorting my shit out mentally – Going to bring meditation back into my routine, and see what impact that has on the amount of Alice time in my head.
  • Sorting my shit out financially – Now that I’ve cleared one of my debts, it’s time to take another look at the finances and tackle the credit card!
  • Body Positivity – I’ve got the bug for this now, and I’m really looking forward to exploring this area some more.

That’s it!

And that’s all I’m going to set out for myself for this month. No doubt it will be filled with some of the other “regular” things that come up month after month such a new books to read, new anime to watch and trying to get more music time in…but I’m also hoping that there will be some unexpected surprises in there too.