So it only seems fitting now that I’ve reached the ripe old age of 30 that I take a look at my 30 before 30 list and see how far I’ve come.

1. Sort my shit out – physically ✅

In the past I have been very much hit and miss with my fitness, but despite the challenges of 2020 I have continued to make this commitment to myself and have never felt better!

2. Sort my shit out – mentally ✅

The inner critic (Alice) would argue that I haven’t “achienved” this yet…but the thing I have come to realise is that this is an ongoing process. Just as you have to continually look after your physcial health, you have to keep working on maintaining good mental health. I feel like as well as having a much better understanding of how my mind works, I have a good toolbox of tricks to help keep me in a good place

3. Practice Body Positivity ✅

I think that Sorting my shit out mentally and physically have really helped me in this department. For the first time (probably in my life) I feel confident in my own skin…and it’s incredible. Don’t get me wrong, I still have the occasional meh days when Aunt Flo comes to visit or I eat too much ice cream…but I am happy to report that I have stopeed bullying myself and started to really embrace the body I’ve been given.

4. Sort my shit out – financially ✅

So again, being a bit critical of myself…I wouldn’t go so far to say that this one is “done” as I am still working at clearing my debts and increasing my savings. The reason I have ticked this one though is that I have noticed my spending habits have improved and I’m more money concious than I used to be…which has resulted in less stressing so win win there.

5. Go to a concert at the BBC Proms

Unfortunately not meant to be this year…but this is definitely going onto my bucket list going forward.

6. Go and see an Opera ❎

Same as the BBC Proms, didn’t get there this year (despite being so close). But as soon as theatres open again I’ll be there!

7. Learn to ride a motorbike ✅

So I know that this is kinda cheating as it’s technically after my 30th…but as it falls within the same year I’m going to say yes for this one…all booked in for the 14th November…super excited!

8. Visit ALL of the London Art Galleries (or as many as I can) ❎

Agian, not really been possible as the galleries have all been shut…but I have taken the time this year to get back into my own arty side which has been really fun.

9. Join a musical group (band and/or choir) ✅

It was short-lived as unfortunately AUVG had to stop face to face sessions when lockdown happened…but it’s been great to continue in this great community by taking part in singing events online.

10. Learn to swim (properly) ❎

Again, I was all set to start swimming and then lockdown hit. I think now that lerisure centres are open I will try and start some lessons in the near future so watch this space.

11. Read a new book – EVERY MONTH ✅

So I established early on this year that this was a bit of a unrealistic goal for me…as I read SUPER slow! But I have really enjoyed taking time to read more books this year and try a variety of different genres.

12. Learn a new Piano piece – EVERY MONTH ✅

Again…what was I thinking? I love how ambitious I was when I set this list together! So I haven’t learnt a new piece every month, but piano practice has become one of my go-to methods of relaxing and unwinding, particularly after a stressful day. It’s so nice to be enjoying playing the piano again.

13. Have a Spa Day ❎

NOPE! Not this year at least…just a lot of “home” pamper session instead, which have actually been kind of fun!

14. Get my own place ❎

Again, how ambitious was I when I wrote this? 😂 So I still have a bit of saving/clearing debts to go before I can afford to move out…but if you follow my social media you’ll know that with some home conversions I have now moved out of my nieces room into my own little studio room.

15. Get a half sleeve tattoo ✅ (ish)

It turns out that these things take a bit of time (again lockdown not really helping there) but I’m getting there with this…although it is now going to be a full sleeve!

16. Paint/draw a self portait ✅

I’ve only done one…and not sure if portraits are really my thing but it was good to experiment as part of my “lockdown arty” phase.

17. Learn to ride a horse ❎

Not much to say on this one…but will definitely add this to the list going forward.

18. Go on a nature walk every week ✅

I may have mentioned it a few times…but I LOVE a good nature walk. I may not get out every week, but I try and go out as much as I can. It really helps me to reset and recharge, not to mention an opportunity to appreciate all of the beautiful things around us.

19. Start journalling/writing a blog ✅

Of course this is a tick! Whilst I haven’t been able to write as much recently, I love writing my blog and really enjoy completeing my own personal journals each day.

20. Take myself out on a date ❎

This one surprised me…I can’t believe I haven’t done this yet! Granted it’s a bit tricky with the lockdown and everything, but I think now that restrictions are easing I should really take the opportunity to treat myself.

21. Do more volunteering ❎

This one has been pretty tricky, and I’ll be honest I haven’t put a lot of headspace into this as I’ve been processing a lot of my own things this year. I definitely want to pursue this going forward so watch this space.

22. Go to Comic Con in cosplay ❎

NOPE – Maybe next year…or the year after?

23. Watch more Anime ✅

I really enjoy watching Anime and have liked exploring some new series this year.

24. Do something that scares you! ✅

Wow…I can safely say that I have done quite a few scary things this year! From haircuts, to moutnain clibs and many more…and every one of those experiences has been incredible!

25. Visit 30 new places ✅

I lost count at the start of the year…so I’m not entirely sure if it’s 30 exactly, but I have definitely been discovering more places this year near where I live which has been quite fun.

26. Watch a sunrise ❎

I’ve just got into the habit of morning workouts…I think I’ll have to work on this one!

27. 30 random acts of kindness ✅

I stopped counting and keeping tabs on this a while back as it didn’t feel right to be point scoring on something that should be selfless, but I’d like to think that I’ve been more kind this year.

28. Learn how to use my fancy camera ✅

I’m nowhere near a pro, but it’s been fun to experiment and learn some new things with my snazzy camera.

29. Hike a mountain (over 1,000 ft) ✅

YES YES YES! Conquered Helvellyn!

30. Being un-apologetically ME ✅

I think this one has been the best one for me this year, really discivering who I am and putting her out there for the world to see. It’s a great way to be, and I feel very grateful to have lots of amazing people in my life who embrace my authentic self.

Not too bad! So what now?

So if my maths is right that makes it 19/30 which I think is pretty awesome given that we’ve had a global pandemic to contend with!

Now I came to terms with the fact that I wouldn’t comeplte this list a while ago due to lockdowns and general restrictions as a result of covid-19. At some point you have to let go of that ideal and be realistic with yourself which is totally ok.

There’s a lot of extra stuff that I’ve done this year that isn’t on this list…and whilst I may not have completed the whole thing I’ve really enjoyed the journey it has taken me on.

I’m not going to jump into a 40 before 40 list…as tempting as that is! I think that each year (probably new year because why not) I’ll take a moment to set myself some new goals. I may achieve them, I may not…but I think it’s nice to give yourself something to work to…particularly when life gets a little challenging.