Can’t quite believe it’s been nearly 2 years since my last blog post!! There are many reasons why it dropped off the radar, to be honest after 2020 I kind of felt like I was “done” and I didn’t really need it anymore. I felt I had grown a lot and was starting to move into a different place of my life (little did I know back then how my life would change). It just didn’t feel right to keep posting when it didn’t feel relevant.

If you’ve been following my Facebook/Instagram pages for a while you’ll know that this all started as a journey of self acceptance. I was on a journey not to loose weight, but to make healthier choices and come to not only accept but love the body I’m in…and over 2020 I can happily say I achieved that goal.

So what’s different now? Well I now find myself in a position in life where I am still very happy with how my body looks…but not so happy with how my body performs. In the past two years I’ve fallen madly in love with a life of adventure…anything from running 13 miles, kayaking in the sea, hiking up mountains (including the Three Peaks Challenge) and swimming in lakes…to name just a few. It takes me way out of my comfort zone which is often terrifying but at the same time I’ve never felt more alive.

The only problem is…my mind and my body aren’t always on the same page. My adventurous ambitious brain wants to tackle everything…nothing is out of reach…when in reality my body is just not there. It’s meant that I’ve suffered a range of different injuries this year which have held me back from my goals…which is NOT fun for body or mind.

I’ve been working on improving my health and fitness over the past couple of years and have seen some good progress. Since January 2020 I’ve lost just over 3st with relatively little effort. I’m vegetarian (majority of the time) and eat a relatovely varied diet and until recently I’ve been exercising around 3 times a week at a moderate level.

If my goal was to just loose weight to feel happier and healthier in myself this wouldn’t be an issue at all as it’s a good rate of loss and I haven’t put any weight back on. The problem is I want to push myself and be physically fit enough to try any new adventure!

So I’m back on the weight loss journey…but this time with a view to creating a super fit, strong, athletic Amy! Going into this I’ve struggled with the term “weight loss” as for me it triggers so many negative thoughts and behaviours from my past – so instead I’m calling it a health kick!

Don’t get me wrong, weight loss is a big focus of it, but it is in no way my measure of success. I’ll be looking at my fitness and strenth levels as well as monitoring my mood and energy levels. It’s also not a limited time thing either – it’s a lifestyle change!

So this month I got on the “fancy” scales at my mums house for some stats – here’s where we’re starting from

  • Current weight 16st 4lbs / 104kg
  • Goal weight 12st 4lbs/ 78.7kg
  • Body fat 39.6%
  • BMI 32.8
  • Resting heart rate 52 bpm

Now I know some of you might be thinking – I’m sure she said BMI is bullshit! Well I’m still not 100% convinced it is a healthy measure (more on that another time), but what it does do is give me an indication of what my healthy weight should be, which has given me my goal weight.

So why am I boring you with all this? Well for starters it’s going to help keep me accountable. Some of you may enjoy riding the highs and lows with me…and who knows some of you crazy people may want to join me!

Be sure to keep and eye out for daily/weekly updates on my social media pages and monthly blog updates.