So for those who know me well… you’ll know that 2019 (and even 2018) have been challenging to say the least! I have had knock backs in my health (physical and mental), job, relationships – pretty much every area of my life.

Now I’m not looking for the sympathy vote here – in some way I have played my part in it all – BUT the positive from it all is that I have learnt (and am still learning) some pretty big life lessons which is great. I honestly feel that it has put me on a much better/healthier path going forward!

So what have I learnt? There are so many things – but here are the top 3 things that I am taking forward with me .

  1. Don’t take ANYTHING for granted
  2. Putting yourself first is NOT selfish, it’s NECESSARY!

So as we reach the new decade – I will be reaching a new milestone myself (the big 3-0). With just under 10 months to go I have decided to take charge of my life and set myself some goals – and so the 30 before 30 list was born!

Now if you search Pinterest you will find many bucket list/30 before 30 posts – and yes it is very New Year New You (blurgh!). I can promise you that this isn’t one of those instances. Honestly, this is just a opportunity for me to motivate myself and to push my boundaries – and I have decided that by writing a blog about it and sharing it – it may help me to stay motivated (and it also ticks off one of my list!).

So go and check out my list and stay tuned for stories, updates and thoughts as I tackle the 30 before 30 list!