So…it’s the end of the month…where the bloody hell did that go?

I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling like the last few weeks have been a bit of a blur, and not the time flies when you’re having fun kinda blur.

It’s the first time since I started this that I wasn’t really looking forward to writing my blog…because I know that I haven’t really achieved much this month.

As I type that I realise how unfair I’m being to myself… the fact that I have been navigating my way through this Corona craziness (it’s not perfect – but I’m getting through it the best way I can) is achievement enough. It’s so easy to neglect the impact things like this have on our lives…and it’s only right that I have had to change my focus and priorities in response to this.

So rather than approach this blog with negativity – I am going to try and approach it with kindness and positivity. I’m going to silence my inner critic (shut up Alice) and give myself a break.

Here it goes..

The start of the month went pretty well (for about a week lol) and I am pleased to say that despite the disruption I have managed to maintain a few key things, which I think have really helped me in dealing with the current situation.

  • Sorting my shit out physically – Whilst all of my normal activities are closed/cancelled – I have made sure to continue my fitness routine at home. Check out my Sorting my shit out physically – the home edition to see what I’m getting up to.
  • Sorting my shit out mentally – I’m still going with the daily meditation and journalling – both have been invaluable in giving me space to process my thoughts and emotions.
  • Sorting my shit out financially – the fact I have no travel costs or social life atm = happy bank balance. Silver linings and all that!
  • Nature walk each week – this is tricky with the restrictions atm, but a walk around the block each day is a very close second.

So what HAVE I done this month?

Let’s take a look at the list I set myself at the start of the month.

Body Positivity

I am in a real love-hate relationship with my body atm. I suffer with eczema and so with all the handwashing and sunshine (my skin has a lil panic as soon as it thinks summer is coming) my skin isn’t too happy atm and that always affects me mentally.

On the plus side – I’m really starting to notice some positive changes as a result of sorting my shit out physically (update coming on Saturday) and I’m feeling the best I have felt in a long while! #winning!

  • Listening to podcasts when I get ready in the morning – So I haven’t been listening to “body-positive” specific podcasts, but I have been listening to Ferne Cotton’s Happy Place along which puts me in a good mood – so kinda a half tick right?👍
  • Look after my body – I have been very conscious of this at the moment, especially as my skin is very sensitive. I don’t know if it’s having a noticeable impact in terms of my body positivity perception – but I do feel like I’m taking better care of myself which makes me feel good! A tick on that one! 👍
  • Look at my boudoir photo book – This one is definitely a tick – love looking through this book. Always makes me feel beautiful 👍

So on reflection – not too bad actually. As I mentioned at the start of the month this is an ongoing thing for me to develop. But small changes are the best way to start

Read a new book – EVERY MONTH

I’m going to be straight with you guys…this hasn’t happened! I did start the book…and got further than I did the last time I read it… so that’s gotta count for something.

In all honesty, I don’t think I really got myself into the right headspace before reading this…which has meant I never really fully engaged.

When I did my book review for The Chimp Paradox, I mentioned that getting your mindset right is key for reading any “self-help” book. In terms of my mental priorities – learning more about Body Positivity has been WAY down on the list recently.

That probably isn’t the best way to look at it – but it is what’s happened and do you know what? that’s ok! If I’m going to take the time to read a book like this, I need to make sure I have the mental capacity to take it all on board.

So I will try it again – not anytime soon – but I will when my mind is a bit quieter.

Watch more Anime

I started this series earlier this month and so far I’m enjoying it. It’s quite dark but has a good sense of humour too which I like.

With all this extra time on my hands, I should be able to get this finished in no time so keep an eye out for my review.

Learn to swim (properly)

I had my swimsuit at the ready…swim partner at the ready (mum)…and then Corona hit! I probably could’ve gone earlier in the month but was not worth the risk whilst things were so uncertain.

Some people might say I could always go swim in the sea (and I might reply fuck that!). If I was a more confident swimmer I might have thought about it – but to be honest that doesn’t appeal to me at all. So, this is officially on hold for the time being.

It’s pointless getting too worked up about it – the swimming pools will still be there when the lockdown is over. This is only temporary.

Go and see an Opera

I’m not ashamed to say I was totally gutted about this one! Mum and I were all set to go and see Carmen at the Mayflower Theatre on the 19th March but the show was cancelled.

I know that there are more serious things to be upset about than seeing a show (believe me I’ve felt them). The cancellation was totally justified and I completely agree with the decisions that were made, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed at the time.

The theatre have been great and have offered us the option to either reschedule onto another Opera or have a refund. So we will keep an eye out for other shows coming up…watch this space.

Practice my instruments on a weekly basis

I have neglected this a bit over the past few weeks, so I haven’t made as much progress as I would like. I’m still working on the same pieces I spoke about in my Hey March post and now that things are starting to settle down a bit I can start to put a bit of structure back into my practice.

So – it’s not all bad

Looking at this list – it might not be great, but it’s really not that bad. I always find these reflections so important, as I learn so much about myself in the process.

I’ve been processing a lot mentally over the past couple of weeks – the common themes coming up are “this is temporary – everything changes” and “letting go of what is out of your control”. You can always guarantee to find a puke-inducing quote from Pinterest – but I love them. Here are just a few that stood out to me today. Notice a theme?

So whilst it has often felt like I have been swept away in a crazy emotional rollercoaster – there are moments where I can pause, take a deep breath and reset! That is something that is definitely in my control!