As I’m sat here listening to the rain, I come across this picture and thought this is perfect for today’s post.

So we’re still here, in lockdown…in what now feels like our own version of “Groundhog Day” and yet the month seems to have gone by soo quickly.

Looking back at my post from the start of the month…I was definitely painting the world with optimism and positive thinking. That isn’t a bad thing, but what I have come to realise is that approach isn’t always what’s needed.

There have been times this month where I have been super positive, focused Amy…and there have been other times where I have really struggled with that, and Alice (my chimp) has definitely taken the driving seat!

I know for a fact that I’m not alone in this…and whilst not everyone will be dealing with the same issues as me…we are all trying to navigate this the best way we can.

Something clicked…

As I get to the end of the month, I have definitely found myself in a much more accepting place. Not only accepting of my current situation…but also accepting my range of emotions. It’s not quite the big “positivity shift” that I had at the start of the month, but it’s almost as if I’ve removed all of the pressure and expectation. Following my “I’m Fine” post, I’ve definitely noticed that I’m not so worried about maintaining a positive frame of mind all the time…because that just isn’t sustainable. If I have an off day – that’s ok – I try and make the best of it I can, look after myself and not beat myself up about it.

I’m finding that more often than not when I approach things like this, I am much more proactive in finding solutions to either process the negativity or move into a more positive state of mind.

Monthly round up!

Ok, so enough with all that deep and meaningful stuff…time to take a look at what I’ve actually been up to this month.

Keeping things ticking over…

  • Sorting my shit out physically – Not so many of the home workouts – but I have started running again via the Couch to 5k programme…it’s tough but I’m loving it!
  • Sorting my shit out mentally – I’m managing to keep up with my meditation and journaling and trying to take a little extra care of my wellbeing atm.
  • Sorting my shit out financially – I’ve been pretty good and resisted spending too much in the sales – it’s quite a nice feeling seeing some of the debts drop quicker than planned.
  • Body Positivity – not such a great month on this one – a post to come about that soon.

Paint/draw a self-portrait

So a couple of weeks ago I decided to sit and have a go at this self portrait stuff…it’s a lot harder than it seems.

I did the sketch on the left completely freehand, and so the proportions aren’t quite right but overall I’m pretty pleased with my first attempt. It took me about 4-5 hours to complete and it’s just using sketch pencils.

I definitely want to do more arty/crafty things in the coming weeks so may experiment with these portraits

30 random acts of kindness

This is a really hard one – not because being kind is hard (I like to think I’m ok in that department) but with the current situation you have to get super creative.

I wouldn’t say I’ve done “acts of kindness” as such, but I have tried to be more available for the people around me and help where I can.

Weekly instrument practice

So some of you may have seen my little piano video on Facebook recently.

I’ve found I’ve been doing much more Piano practice over the past couple of weeks, nothing overly structured but just playing pieces that relax me.

So I’m going to try and set myself a brand new piece for next month so that I can give myself a new goal to achieve.

I’ve also got a couple more videos up my sleeve for next month…so stay tuned.

Watch more Anime

I know this maybe an interesting topic for some…but I’m really enjoying spending a bit more time watching Anime at the moment. I find the fact I have to concentrate on the subtitles means I don’t get so easily distracted and it really helps me take my mind off things.

Dragon Slayer was one that is definitely going up the list for me, and one that I would probably watch again in the future.

Read a new book every month

Not quite finished this one yet, but should be done in the next week.

I’ve really enjoyed having lazy Sunday afternoons in the garden, on a lounger and reading my book. LUSH!

A few lil extras

So alongside this lil list – I’ve also added a few extra bits into this month.

  • Running – I wanted to do a bit more cardio so decided to start the Couch to 5k again…and I’ve quickly realised quite how much I have missed running.
  • 30 Day song challenge – Yes, I joined the band wagon of the 30 day song trend..but it’s been really interesting and really helped me re-engage with some songs/artists that I haven’t listened to in ages.
  • Getting crafty – A kinda spur of the moment project – and what turned out to be a really positive one! So happy with how they look so far 😀

To sum it up then…

So whilst it’s not been the easiest month to navigate…there have been plenty of things to feel good about!

Let’s see what May has in store then…