I’ve been thinking…a lot more than normal recently… and given the situation we all find ourselves in, I think a lot of us are in a similar boat.

One of the many things I have been thinking about is my 30 before 30 list, and how this year is turning out very differently to how I had originally imagined it would go.

I spoke briefly in my last post about acceptance…and one of the things I’ve had to accept is the fact that there are many things on my list that I simply won’t be able to achieve this year. I felt annoyed, frustrated, and disappointed…but I can honestly say that I’ve navigated all of that and I’m now really ok about it. It’s not something I can control…so, for now, it isn’t something I need to worry about.

It may seem daft for me to be worried about a “list” when there are clearly much bigger problems out there atm (I’m definitely thinking about those too) but for my own reasons this list is important. Everyone has their own shit they’re dealing with atm, and it’s all subjective..no two people will react to things the same way and that’s ok. One positive I’ve noticed recently, is that people are generally more considerate and supportive of each other – let’s hope that continues once all is back to “normal”. 😊

Time for a re-think…

So I’ve decided that there are many things on this list that I will do after I turn 30… it’s still going to be just as fun! Part of me will probably appreciate the experiences even more as I’ve had to wait for them.

For this month (and going forward for the time being) I wanted to see what I could do to still work towards my goals…and maybe throw some new things into the mix too.

So…still keeping things ticking over…

As always – I have a few key things that I want to make sure I maintain. I’m very fortunate to be able to still work full time at the moment, and this sense of routine and structure has been really helping me keep some sense of “normality” throughout this.

  • Sorting my shit out physically – Finishing the Couch to 5k programme and other activities. The focus this month is to find ways to increase my mobility throughout the day…as this is pretty rubbish atm and I’m sitting at my desk way too much.
  • Sorting my shit out mentally – Keeping the meditation and journalling is a must, as well as being a bit more aware of my mood and thoughts to make sure I am looking after myself and my wellbeing.
  • Sorting my shit out financially – Gotta try and stay away from the online shops (easier said than done). I’m super close to clearing one of my debts so that is a pretty good motivator to keep the card in my purse.
  • Body Positivity – I know I say this a lot – but I really wanna try and crack this one. A bit like sorting my shit out mentally, I’ve come to realise that it’s a process…and not an easy one at that! I need to dig deep to unlearn some of the “unhelpful” habits that I’ve learnt over the years.
  • Weekly instrument practice

Visit 30 new places

So I clearly can’t visit 30 new places at the moment…but I’ve decided to write myself a little bucket list of places I want to see.

I’m totally stealing this idea from a friend…but I think it could be quite fun and will give me a starting point for when we’re all allowed out again.

Paint/draw a self-portrait

I’m going to have another go at that this month – maybe experiment with another medium and maybe try some different techniques. You know what they say…practice makes perfect…or at least better right?

Watch more Anime

Now that I have finished Demon Slayer – I’ve decided I’m going to spend some time getting back into Bleach.

It’s been a while since I watched it, so got a little catching up to do and I’ve heard lots of good things about the upcoming series.

With over 300 episodes, it’s sure to keep me busy for a little while.

Read a new book

I wasn’t in the right headspace to read this in March…but I’m feeling much more motivated now so going to give it another go.

A few new additions..

I’m purposely keeping things pretty low key at the moment… I need to be adaptable not only to the circumstances around me but to how I’m feeling, as this seems to be an ever-changing thing at the moment.

But, here are some other things I’m going to try and fit in this month:

  • 30 day challenge – love it or hate it, but I’ve really enjoyed my 30 day music challenge! It helps stops me from endlessly scrolling through social media for a split second… so I’m going to find another 30 day challenge to do after this one finishes.
  • Cooking – Since I moved back with the parents, one of the things I have missed is cooking. It’s a small gesture, but I’m going to make sure I cook for everyone at least once a week to get back into the swing of things.
  • Getting crafty – following the success of last month’s shoes…this month I have a crafty experiment with an old pair of converse…so stay tuned!

The one thing I’m really taking from this crazy situation that we find ourselves in at the moment…is to take NOTHING for granted!

It’s ironic, as this is something I wanted to focus on in my very first blog post – All About Me – it just goes to show how easily things can get out of focus, and sometimes you just need a nudge back in the right direction.

So this month I’m going to stay present, and try to make the best out of where I am right now!