So January is always a really popular time for people to do the whole “I need to loose X amount/ I must go on a diet…” and the list goes on. In the past I have tried a few “diets” (and given up pretty quickly) and I have tried setting myself weight loss goals (again not always so successful) and so I have decided to do away with it all!

If you have read my Body Positivity post you will know that my goal in that area is to be comfortable with the skin that you’re in! I am still totally on board with this and I will be working on promoting this for myself (and others) over the coming months.

For me “sorting my shit out physically” is about keeping my body healthy, so that I can do all the things I want to in life. The body is an amazing thing! I had taken it and my health for granted until I had my back injury. It’s only when you can’t do things that you realise quite how vital it is to keep the body healthy.

So over the past year I have been focused on recovery – which has gone really well. Now that I am back to pretty much 100% I am ready to start pushing myself and setting myself goals and challenges.

Now I know I said earlier that my goal isn’t to loose weight – but over this year I am going to be monitoring my weight, dress size and physical changes in my body to see what physical impact this new lifestyle has.

So here I am. Pre 1st workout of 2020!

So for those that are interested – I currently sit at size 18/20, 19st 5lbs… and I can honestly say I love every bit of it! (With a bit of thanks to my recent photoshoot). It would be so easy to be embarrassed or ashamed, but why the hell would I do that, at the end of the day they are only numbers! This is a body that has recovered from injury and I am very lucky to be in a position where I can now start to push my limits.

So here is my new fitness schedule – most of these I have already been doing and some are new. With each one I have a different focus and goal – the main focus is ofc to have fun (because otherwise what is the point!)


  • 6.30am – Yoga – I have been practicing Yoga for about 1yr now – I just do 10 mins each morning and it really helps to wake my body up and prepare me for the day.
  • Lunchtime – Walk – I always like to try and take a little walk at lunchtime (even if it just to the cafe for my coffee fix). It does me good to get away from the screen and get some fresh air.
  • 6pm – Zumba – This is my weekly “girl time” fix! Me and the girls have a little catch up after work and then go dance our butts off for 1hr. It’s soo much fun and really gets the heart rate going (also releasing my inner sass! :P)


  • 6.30am – Yoga
  • Lunchtime – Walk
  • 7.15PM – Polefit – A friend and I recently started this and OMG it’s great. It’s a lot harder than it looks – but it is really good for pushing yourself and testing new limits. The only downside are the bruises – or what I like to call “pole kisses”.


  • 6.30am – Yoga
  • Lunchtime – Walk
  • Evening – Gym – I want to make sure that I do at least 2 high cardio sessions a week to keep my heart healthy.


  • 6.30am – Yoga
  • Lunchtime – Walk


  • 6.30am – Yoga
  • Lunchtime – Walk


  • AM – Gym – Strength Training. My lil bro has been helping me throughout my recovery and we are now at a point where I can start pushing myself with my strength training.


  • AM – Yoga (long) – On a Sunday I want to start trying longer sessions so that I can improve on my technique and increase my flexibility (which will definitely help with PoleFit.)
  • Weekly Nature Walk – aiming for a minimum of 3 miles if I can, if not more.

So there are couple of days where I’m not doing anything – which I think is perfectly ok! For me I need this to be a workable routine that I can commit to long term – I know if I tried to go to the gym everyday I would very quickly get bored so this gives me a nice bit of variety.

So true to my word – I completed my first Saturday workout yesterday (weights) and OMG – now I can’t move! But hey, no pain no gain right! 😛

For those wondering about today – no yoga but a little nature walk with the familam, minion and doggo’s. Because with all of this there needs to be a little bit of flexibility to fit with other important stuff! 🙂