Who doesn’t like a good ice cream in a cone….perfect for sunny days! I’m gonna be honest and say I’ve already had my fair share of ice creams and bbq’s this year, we have been so fortunate with the weather…it’s been lush!

So it’s July, I know for many we would now be on the countdown to summer holidays, festivals and a nice few drinks in a pub garden. Whilst we may not be able to achieve all of those things right now, that doesn’t mean that we can’t still create our own fun in the sunshine!

When thinking about my list of goals for July, this was the theme that stood out to me. I have to admit that Summer isn’t typically my favourite season – being an October child I’m much better suited to the cool crisp autumn days! 🍂😊

I often struggle in the heat, and my skin is most likely to flare up in the summer months. Because of this, in recent years I’ve avoided trips to the beach sunbathing, long summer walks and generally wearing your typical summer wardrobe as I was too worried about what my skin looked like.

This year however is going to be different! So for this month my goals are going to be around embracing the summer sun….and having a bit of fun (I know, I’m hilarious)!

Same old, same old!

So if you’ve been following my blog for a while you’ll know there are a few things I like to keep ticking over month to month. Following yesterday’s post, it’s quite nice to see that a couple of these are very firmly set into my daily practice now. Nonetheless, it’s always good to keep them here as reminders:

  • Sorting my shit out physically -Keep running, keep yoga-ing and pretty much anything else I fancy doing that’ll keep me moving. Having exercise as part of my daily routine has been a gamechanger in helping my energy and mood levels!
  • Sorting my shit out mentally – Got a couple of “self-help” books on the go atm which I will update you all on in due course and a new venture that I think is going to really help with my self-development….watch this space!
  • Sorting my shit out financially – MUST RESIST PRIMARK! No doubt as more things open, there will be a big temptation to go and spend all this money burning a hole in my pocket…but I’m determined to be smart with my money and keep to my budget without using my credit card (someone take it away)!

Reach my 5k running target

I’m determined, this month I will reach my goal of running the full 5k distance! It’s so close, and I have plenty of time to gradually increase the distance.

If that isn’t enough motivation…I’ve signed myself up to a virtual race so that I can get a nice pretty medal. In all the years I have run in the past, I’ve never taken part in a virtual race before.

What’s not to like? Choose your distance, run it whenever you like (with whoever you like…or on your own), submit your evidence and you get a pretty medal. Out of all of the races this medal stood out the most for me – for many reasons!

Body Positivity – it’s too bloody hot for jeans!

So I’ve mentioned before that I have often felt a bit self conscious about my eczema in the past…and so would cover up (particularly in the summer) so that it wasn’t on show.

I’m really working on embracing this part of myself…it’s one of my quirks and is a part of who I am. So this year, I am embracing the shorts…and I mean SHORT shorts! Not the knee length kind, ones that actually show a bit of leg.

I’m soo much cooler wearing them and actually my skin hasn’t been anywhere near as bad as I would’ve expected. My goal for this month (and going forward) is to go with what feels comfortable and makes me feel good – and not worry so much about how my skin is looking or behaving.

Go on some adventures

Don’t worry – I’m not getting ahead of myself – I know that my options are somewhat limited at the moment. On my 30 before 30 list I wrote that I wanted to visit 30 new places. Obviously I can’t go jet-setting and explore my travel bucket list – but that doesn’t mean to say that there aren’t more local places I’ve yet to discover.

I’ve found some right little gems practically on the doorstep in recent weeks (cue my lovely woodland header image). All you need to do is embrace the curiosity in you and go exploring…who knows what surprises you’ll find!

Learn how to use my fancy camera

This one is kinda linked to the “Go on some adventures” goal. I’ve recently been gifted this lush camera bag and I’m itching for some nice weather, beautiful scenery so I can start experimenting.

A bit like my drawing skills…there is a lot I need to learn. It’s an area that has always interested me, but I’ve never really invested the time to develop the skill (you get it…develop…😂).

Anyway – I’m not expecting too much from myself to begin with. I’m just looking to get out and see if I can capture some of the pretty things I see.

That’ll do

Bearing in mind that in yesterday’s post I talked about not setting too many goals…I think 4 is a pretty good number. There’s a nice balance of short term, long term and ongoing goals.

I’m also trying to be mindful as to not overload myself too much. This is so that I can try to incorporate a more flexible approach to my schedule…go with the flow! I suppose that in itself is it’s own goal, so lets say 5.

Now…where’s that ice cream! 😋