Have you noticed a chill in the air? The mornings are that little bit fresher, the evenings a little darker…it can only mean one thing…Autumn is on it’s way!

Autumn has got to be my favourite season (totally not biased as my birthday falls within it). I love the cooler temperatures, beautiful trees, wearing all the jumpers, scarves and boots and then snuggling up in the evening under a blanket with a nice cup of tea!

It’s also a time for celebrations, with what seems like ALL of the birthdays in the space of just a couple of months and then, of course, the lead up to that most wonderful time of the year (don’t worry – I’m not going to say that “C” word just yet!).

As we suddenly came to the end of August I realised I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog front. There have been a few things going on behind the scenes and some personal stuff I’ve been needing to deal with – but there have also been some very exciting developments.

How can I best describe August?

August has been BUSY (hence why I totally forgot to write my end of August blog post yesterday) with a theme of preparation and working hard.

First up – The big re-vamp project!

Some of you may be up to date with the big DIY project my parents and I have undertaken recently. The aim – to convert the gym/shed into my own bedroom/living space. Since moving back in with my parents last year, I’ve been very fortunate to be using my niece’s bedroom – but as time has gone on it’s clear that we both desperately needed our own space.

Whilst I would love to get my own flat right now, I’m not in a place where I can do that just yet. I’m doing such a great job at “sorting my shit out financially” that to move out too soon would only put me under a great deal of pressure and stress. Thankfully I have the most amazing and supportive family who came up with this idea – and so it began!

It was a lot of work – blood, sweat, lots of tea and biscuits – but within 2 weeks we managed to completely transform the room. Words can’t even describe how happy I am with it, and I feel like it’s going to give me the space I need to really step into the next stage of my journey!

Secondly – Starting something new

Alongside this big project – I have been making plans to go back to college and take an evening class! Over the past few months I’ve been thinking a lot about where I see myself in the future – what do I want my life to look like? what do I want to do? what is important to me?

For someone who is a notorious over-thinker, in the past, this has caused me a lot of stress and worry – Alice loves to play the “what if” game! If you’ve been keeping up with my blog for a while you’ll also know that to combat this I’ve been working on being more present, and “in the moment” – which to be honest has been a total game changer!

With everything that has been going on this year (break-up aftermath/covid) this was a really good approach to take. I didn’t need to think ahead, I only needed to focus on day-to-day. I gave myself space and time to heal, process but to also have fun and appreciate all of the little things.

I’m pleased to say I’m in a different headspace now. I have gone through the process (for the most part) learned a hell of a lot, and am now ready to start thinking ahead. Don’t get me wrong, one of the biggest lessons I will be taking forward is to remain present in all that you do – but I also think it’s good to have goals/dreams to work towards, something that ignites that internal spark and gets you excited!

I can’t say too much more about the course at the moment until it’s all confirmed, but it’s pretty exciting and I can’t wait to be a student again! Think of all the stationary I’ll need…😏

Thirdly – Ready to do something scary (or maybe a few things)

So if going back to college wasn’t scary enough – I feel September is the month where I am going to be facing a few scary, but exciting things.

Climb a mountain

At the end of September, I’m going on holiday with my parents to the Lake District. As well as being somewhere new to visit I’ve got one big challenge…make it to the top of Helvellyn! At 3117 feet it’s not going to be easy, and no doubt a lil bit scary…but I can’t wait to see the views from the top!

Changing it up

Now, this might not sound scary to some…but I’ve decided to go a bit bold and change up my hair colour. I’ve had pretty much the same style and colour for years, the only difference was as to how long or short I would go, and even then it wouldn’t be anything too drastic. After years of worrying “what others might think” I’ve decided to go for something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time…🌸 Stay tuned to see the results at the end of September! 😜

Putting myself out there

So I set this blog up with the sole purpose of tracking my 30 before 30 journey. As we all know, things haven’t quite gone to plan this year and so there is no way I’m going to be finished by the time I hit 30 in just under 8 weeks time. But this blog has also begun for me a big self-development journey and I have learned so much that I want to share!

There is so much more that I want to do with this blog, and so much content that I want to share in a more interactive way – so I’m bringing it out onto its own social media platforms. So if you like this blog and want to see more…go and give them a follow.

What else?

No doubt that there will be plenty of fun and surprise in store for September, and I will of course be continuing with the staples:

  • Sorting my shit out physically – Getting my sweat/stretch on!
  • Sorting my shit out mentally – I’m going to pick back up last month’s focus on “self-care”. I’m going to be exploring exactly what this is and how/why it’s so important.
  • Sorting my shit out financially – Still going strong with no credit card purchases!
  • Body Positivity – Keep trying new things, experimenting with my style and having fun without worrying about how my body looks!

In last months post “Hey there August” I mentioned that I felt a change was coming – well it’s here, and you know what…I’m ready for it!


2 Replies to “Season’s are changing”

  1. Hey Amy
    Once again you write so beautiful. Its almost as if you are in my head. Ive known you for a very long time and its nice for me to read how you are doing but also its lovely to read that im not on my own. I’ve been really struggling with anxiety for many years but its only really just started to take over my life. Its a long story but your blog really speaks to me and your words fit in my brain. I have so much to work through but im really glad I have your blog to give me that push. Never stop writing!!! You are bloody brilliant at it !!
    Love amy 2 xx

    1. Hi Amy 2, 😀

      Thank you soo much for your lovely comment, I can’t even begin to tell you how much it meant to me to read this. 🥰

      I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having a tough time at the moment, but I’m pleased to hear that my blog resonates with you and in some way helps with what you’re going through atm. It’s also nice to know that someone else gets my quirky way of thinking! 😜

      From one Awesome Amy to another – YOU GOT THIS! Don’t ever forget just how awesome and brilliant you are!

      AmyLou x😘x

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