So if you have been following my blog recently, you will notice that the last couple of posts have been a little let’s say deep. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and reflective thinking these past few weeks – which I can honestly say hasn’t been too easy. That being said – I am learning a hell of a lot about myself in the process and feel like I’m really starting to gain clarity and let go of some of my negative mental baggage. #sortingmyshitoutmentally!

But today I wanted to talk about something a bit more positive – re-igniting my spark!

Now everyone will have specific things in life that bring them joy – spending time with loved ones, fitness, food, hobbies ect. – and I think we should all try and aim to include as many as possible. Because let’s face it – it’s always best to be doing things that make you happy and enjoying yourself!

What I wanted to explore today though, is finding the thing that ignites your spark – the thing that connects with you on a deeper level and can in some ways define your very being. (ooh I know, that sounds pretty deep)

It may not come to much of a surprise to some – mine is MUSIC.

For me, it’s not only listening to music but watching live music and playing an instrument.

I have always been a very creative person, from a very young age, and have always been very drawn to the arts! Looking back on it now though, the constant thing that has always resonated with me is music. I love the variety of music available – literally something for every taste/mood – and having studied music I can really appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes on behind the scenes. There is also something uniquely magical that happens when you perform – I can’t really describe it but it’s amazing!

Can you remember what first inspired you to play music?

When I was at uni we were asked this question: I have a very clear memory in my mind of sitting in my nan’s back garden with my uncle playing his guitar. Later down the line, I had the opportunity to try an instrument at school and I was drawn to the Flute (as many 10yr old girls were). Whilst it took me ages to get a sound out of it – as soon as I did that was it, the rest they say is history.

After Uni though I found it hard to find time to play/sing – juggling work hours with all the other commitments in life and unfortunately it got to a point where it just wasn’t a part of my routine. The poor instruments were kept in cupboards and barely being used.

Finding my spark again!

I hadn’t realised until last year how much of a negative impact it was having on me mentally – so I decided to buy an electric piano. Slowly but surely I have been putting aside time and re-connecting with music making. I’m beginning to find that same excitement I had when I was younger. It really does feel like I’m reconnecting with myself.

I recently joined a choir (AUVG) and after the first session I was buzzing – I can honestly say I haven’t felt that exhilarated in quite a while. I also got a similar feeling today watching a Big Band gig, I was sat there thinking “I wish I was up there playing my Saxophone”. It’s really brought home to me that I need to be including more music-making in my life.

So alongside my choir and piano playing – I am going to try and fit in more instrument playing (probably Flute and Saxophone). I know I’m going to be VERY rusty and the goal here isn’t to go pro – but re-training myself will all be part of the fun! Or so she says now – sorry neighbors!

The key in all of this is making time – it’s so easy to get swept up with other things and say I don’t have time to do this when in reality I didn’t make the time. It might not always be easy – but the benefits are so worth it! (It’s also another bit of your self-care – so you should definitely make time for it).

You may already know what gives you your spark – if you do great – invest as much time into it as you can. If you don’t – then go out and try to find it. Try as many things as you can until you find the one that sticks out for you, no doubt you’ll have endless fun along the way!