So here we are…it’s December…I honestly don’t know where that year has gone! I know I’ve been a bit quiet recently with regards to blog posts – all I can say is that life is giving me some very unique challenges at the moment which have just taken some of my focus and energy. That’s ok sometimes, we all need to give ourselves a break sometimes and not force things if they don’t feel right.

But you’ll be pleased to know that I’m back…and have some pretty exciting things coming up so stay tuned on my social media pages for more updates over the coming weeks.

What happened to last month’s check in?

That’s a very good question. I did weigh-in, and I even wrote a post about it – B.M.I = Baiting My Insecurities – but at the time it just didn’t feel like the right time to share it. If you read it you’ll get the sense I was a little triggered, which is perfectly fine but with everything else going on with the impending 2nd lockdown I just didn’t want to add any more negative energy out there. If you want to take a read please feel free, as I’m sure it’s a situation that unfortunately a lot of people can relate to. It was a really interesting experience which I learnt a lot from.

The final weigh-in

I had mentioned a while ago that I wouldn’t be doing these in the long term, and in a way it was a relief to know that this was my last “monthly weigh-in” I would need to do. Not because I dread them in any way, but if I’m honest I just don’t really get anything from it anymore, so much so that I almost forgot to weigh-in all together.

But a woman of my word…I stood on the scales for the last time…and it showed the lightest weight I have been all year. How did I feel about it? Meh, that’s nice…but get me some breakfast!

Now don’t get me wrong, there is a part of me that feels a sense of achievement, not because of what the numbers on the scales say…but what they represent. In the image above, I’ve included a photo/update from my first weigh-in in January compared to now. Of course, you can see some changes in my shape, and yes I do look slimmer…but here’s the reality of the changes between these two images:

  • I’ve lost a total of 1 stone 4 lbs
  • I’ve dropped 1 dress size
  • I eat a much more balanced diet
  • I drink WAY more water
  • I went from working out 2-3 times a week to EVERY DAY (and now multiple times a day).
  • I have so much more energy
  • I sleep better
  • I handle stress a lot better
  • I am more confident
  • I have found a new appreciation for my body
  • I love my body
  • I don’t punish my body
  • I am healthier
  • Most importantly…I am HAPPIER!

Do I need to go on? (believe me…I could…for days). The fact is that I could just look at these photo’s and base my success on the weight loss, and how much slimmer I look now…but that would diminish all of the other positives that have come out of this whole experience.

It’s been a life changing journey

I didn’t really know what to expect when I started this. When looking back on my first weigh-in blog post – Sorting my shit out physically – well let’s get moving! – the goal was simple…to live a healthier more active lifestyle. My routines have changed (a lot) and it’s not always been an easy journey, but I can wholeheartedly say that fitness is now a huge part of my life…and I couldn’t imagine my life without it. It has literally changed my life for the better and is going to be a very big part of my future (in more ways than one…but more on that another time).

I’m very grateful to have taken this particular journey as it has enabled me to dig deeper into all the the “ideas” we’ve been sold about the perfect body and my own relationship to body image, health and fitness.

Before this journey – I saw fitness as a “fix it” tool. Something you would force yourself to do (along with a crazy diet) to loose weight and look slim, I never realised that embracing an active lifestyle could actually be fun!

Now – it’s all about the fun! I love trying out new things, setting myself new (sometimes very unrealistic) goals and exploring just what my body can do. Whilst I love the way I look, it’s not the most important thing for me anymore…the most important thing is how my body feels…and it feels GREAT!